Now, I need a 375 Holland and Holland rifle.

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Tuesday, July 02, 2013, 17:03 (4106 days ago) @ Jhenry

You are absolutely right jhenry,the guy has done a fair amount of writing in various gun rags. He knows nothing about guns but would give me one then ask me what I thought about it. Next thing I knew an article came out or he brought me a copy, and it was..word for word what I had discussed with him. That wasn't so bad but he would use my name to get a gun he wanted to play with. Then when the factory wanted it back he would say, Jurras has still got it. Then the factory would call me and ask how much longer I needed it for the article. I said I just got it yesterday, then I found out this guy had had it for two years before he sent it to me. Just used me for an excuse. Couple years ago finally told him to quit sending me guns. Any I needed for testing I would get from factory. He got upset and he hasn't spoken sense. Sorry it had to come to that but it was becoming more than I could handle. The 375 was just one story. The truth be known he was never a friend, just an aquaintence, he thought we were friends. He was mostly a name dropper. Sad but these things happen. Fortunately not to often. :-|

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