by Mark Stevenson, Monday, July 01, 2013, 12:50 (4107 days ago)

First, the good news. I took a new position with the company, so I will no longer be working rotating shift work. This is a strictly day job. I've been doing this since late March.
The job is PM maintenance in in the vats functional area. The guy that had this area before me, lost his "Give a Schick" a couple of years ago, and he let the area go to the brink of failure. This leaves me in the position of scrambling to get the area back to reliable condition. This means I've been working lots of hours, my shortest week so far is 56 hours.

All this leads me to conclude that, regretfully, I have no time to host the TSMS this year. Next year might be better as far as available time, and I don't want to abandon the TSMS, it's just that I need to focus on work at this time.

Thanks for all of you that have attended and donated to Muscular Dystrophy at TSMS over the years. You've all been great and very generous.

Man, I'm having a harder time writing this than I anticipated. The decision hasn't been easy.


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