I met Mr. Thompson at a gun show once upon a time.....

by Otony, Sunday, June 30, 2013, 22:01 (4108 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

.....didn't realize it was him at first but thought there was something familiar about him. As we chatted about Cold Steel knives I expressed an opinion about a particular model, not necessarily negative but not glowing either, more of a "meh" and a shrug.

What a transformation! He very enthusiastically performed some "antics" with the blade to prove its value, at which point the light came on and I recognized him. We spent a very fun 10 minutes or so discussing knives while I rather pathetically begged for him to re-introduce the Urban Shiv. Why that knife? No real reason other than it was a cool appearing early model that I never purchased for one reason or another.

Mr. Thompson was pretty emphatic that it wouldn't be forthcoming, for reasons I no longer recall, but I still enjoyed myself. Yup, he can look like a chunky fool at times, but I will bet he LIKES his job! He certainly did that day!


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