About WWII ammo...

by John K., Saturday, June 29, 2013, 17:20 (4109 days ago) @ Hobie

I still have lots and lots of surplus WWII ammo - most of it is reliable. Some is absolutely terrible - the worst is one lot of Radway Green cordite 303 brit. Pop, fizz, hang fires abound. Then there's the Turkish 8mm... but it probably wasn't much good brand new as evinced by the cracked necks from bullet seating.

Also have some German 7.62x51 that apparently was wet enough at some point to nearly dissolve the 20rnd square cardboard boxes. Tho dry, they crumble at the touch. Ammo works fine.

Based on what I know, I would speculate it probably centers around temperature and humidiy extremes during storage. Wide temp swings play havoc with many things.

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