knife review

by uncowboy, Saturday, June 29, 2013, 07:40 (4110 days ago)

Matt and I have been fishing from the canoes a lot and we got into the Mora style knives as a ready edge in fishing chores. We both had the lite my fire knives with the fire starter in the handle it was a good knife but a bit expensive. Well being in a canoe they were eventually lost over the side and needed replacing. Well you all know I swear by COLD STEEL knives and the Pendleton and Outdoorsmen are proven in the Field. I have both and love them. For the canoe I wanted something less pricey. ENTER the Pendleton and Outdoorsmen LITE. They can be had for under $20.00 each and wow what a blade you get for the money. Razor sharp and lite as a feather. I
use the Pendleton as a neck knife and it is hardly noticeable. I plan on using the pair to butcher deer this year and filet catfish. But for now I give them 5 stars and highly recommend them. A very sharp entry level knife for a youngster but it will handle all camp chores. J.Michael

My only complaint about them...

by Brian A, Saturday, June 29, 2013, 08:38 (4110 days ago) @ uncowboy

Is they are not made in the USA. But for the price you would be hard pressed to buy a better knife. I have the several of them, Pendleton lite, Canadian belt knife, Tanto lite and Outdoorsman lite. They are my beater knives, both in the kitchen and in the field.

I do a lot of soil sampling for work and the Outdoorsman and Tanto have been used to hack through roots, slice into soil samples, sharpen stakes to mark sample locations, and numerous other tasks unkind to a blade, and they have done so without a whimper. With their corrosion resistant construction, they have also held up well to being carried for months in my field pack and exposed to rain, mucky soils, sand, peat, snow, summer heat in the truck, and other things which have destroyed other knives I have used.

In the kitchen, the Canadian Belt Knife and the Pendleton lite are quite useful, maintain a nice edge, and are comfortable in the hand. They have also proven equally useful for field dressing game, particularly the Pendleton lite which has become my go to small game knife.

They will never replace my better knives entirely, but for inexpensive beater blades they are difficult to complain about.

I fully agree with you, Mike...

by matt/pa @, Saturday, June 29, 2013, 10:34 (4109 days ago) @ uncowboy

Cold Steel makes some great knives and, as an added plus, Lynn Thompson is a great guy. I have 3 or 4 of them, including a Pendleton Lite, and it is a great knife.


knife review

by Frank S, Saturday, June 29, 2013, 14:10 (4109 days ago) @ uncowboy

I have a cold steel roachbelly on my belt as we speak. very good, light knife....surprisingly I have had it on all day and its so light I can forget its there. I was in the solo canoe trying my new set up w/ the pedestal.....

tweenty Dollar Cold Steel replaced all my 5 dollar Moras

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, June 29, 2013, 23:16 (4109 days ago) @ Frank S

with them while in AK. Superior rust resistance, by 100 miles and just as keen edge. Many moose and black bear with NO sharpening.
The affordability and quality made me become a Cold Steel

I have used all the knives we sell, and more now discontinued knives and vouch for their quality. I have cast aside many more expensive, made in the USA knives, because they failed me in the field when I needed them most.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I brought a Cold Steel back from CSA

by bj2, Sunday, June 30, 2013, 18:23 (4108 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I am a Cold Steel fan and already had several of their knives. I think they are a very good value for the price. Of course you can buy much more expensive knives and knives with better steel, but they will certainly cost more.

Among knife collectors there are lots of people that don't like Cold Steel because of the antics of the company owner, and because of the videos that they produce. I have no problem with him and I like to see the videos. I think it is interesting that no other companies produce videos showing the abuse that they can put their knives through, and I've seen very expensive knives that are the darlings of the knife collectors not survive independent torture testing.

Knife Collectors;guys that have never actually USED a blade

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, June 30, 2013, 19:26 (4108 days ago) @ bj2

to skin chop or cut Lynn Thompson/ Cold Steel Antics seems to have sponed a new sport:

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I met Mr. Thompson at a gun show once upon a time.....

by Otony, Sunday, June 30, 2013, 22:01 (4108 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

.....didn't realize it was him at first but thought there was something familiar about him. As we chatted about Cold Steel knives I expressed an opinion about a particular model, not necessarily negative but not glowing either, more of a "meh" and a shrug.

What a transformation! He very enthusiastically performed some "antics" with the blade to prove its value, at which point the light came on and I recognized him. We spent a very fun 10 minutes or so discussing knives while I rather pathetically begged for him to re-introduce the Urban Shiv. Why that knife? No real reason other than it was a cool appearing early model that I never purchased for one reason or another.

Mr. Thompson was pretty emphatic that it wouldn't be forthcoming, for reasons I no longer recall, but I still enjoyed myself. Yup, he can look like a chunky fool at times, but I will bet he LIKES his job! He certainly did that day!


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