S&W or USFA (for M&H repops)?

by FOG, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 15:14 (4113 days ago) @ John K.

S&W seems highly unlikely. True, they do make ARs and 1911s, but then, who doesn't?

USFA seems an even greater stretch of the imagination. Given their current product, the aptly named 'ZIP' gun, they're probably more likely to make their next big splash with a 'high-caliber' squirt gun.

In view of the none-too-subtle hints in the Broadsword Group announcement, I'd say the most likely candidates hail from Italy, with Uberti probably topping the pile.

The *real* question is, You like-ah-the brass grip frame, yes? :-D

PS: 'Repop' is borrowed from the balloon-tyre bicycle crowd, of which I used to be a card-carrying rider; it simply means 'reproduction'.


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