I was in the US in '09...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 17:40 (4115 days ago) @ FOG

for a few months that summer. Traveled all over much of the western side (west of the MS river)and only found one relatively affordable brick of ammo during the whole stay. Also managed to snag six boxes (300 rounds) of Remington brand ammo at a wally world. We hit a lot of the chinamarts as we travel (free, relatively clean restrooms and airconditioning - what's not to like?) and almost every one was sold out of rimfire. We left mid August and the shortage was still going strong. So far it looks like this time 'round is a repeat of the same.

On the other hand, we were in the US last autumn, traveled much of the same territory (and then some) and everywhere we went we saw ammo stacked on the shelves - at reasonable prices. I managed to snag a brick (funds were short) and shot most of a brick so the cache balanced out in the end. The election results came in a few weeks before we left. I told my b-i-law to stock up because it was going to get nasty - and that was pre-SandyHook. He was talking about picking up an EBR but couldn't make up his mind. Sandyhook went down the day before we traveled and things went south quick thereafter from what I've been reading on the 'net. B-i-law went to the first gunshow of '13 and struck out on everything he had in mind.

My guess is that the rimfire shortage is going to go on at least through the end of this year. It's a good time to investigate air power...

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