Mark is right on...

by Brian A, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 08:00 (4116 days ago) @ mcassill

with the information provided. I have not played with the 900 series trucks yet, but a lot of guys really like them. They are big and heavy and the parts are big and heavy, so not real friendly for a lot of folks to work on at home, nor do they fit in suburban garages easily, and a lot of towns take a dim view of 'commercial' trucks in side or back yards. That is a big reason for the prices being so low on them, a lot of collectors just do not have a way to deal with something that big. For the guys who are able to pick one up, they have auto transmissions, power steering, air brakes, and some have central tire inflation systems. Most 5-tons, and I assume the 900 series is the same, get about 5-6 mpg, so they are not efficient grocery getters unless you are feeding an army. For a good review of the 900s and what variations there are, here is a good website -

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