The Story

by John K., Friday, June 21, 2013, 07:57 (4118 days ago) @ Charles

Great story, Charles - and like Churchill said - "It is all true, or it ought to be; and more and better besides".

That stock design reminds me of the early days of the pre-war sporters, especially Wundhammer or Adolph.

I really like the classic pre-war sporters - Krags, Mausers, and Springfields. Some look oddly proportioned, but most handle far better than modern designs. And with a good receiver sight and shooter, they can surprise a modern gun and shooter in the field. Those old guys were mostly riflemen, not bench shooters, and it shows in the guns.

Doug Mann pointed me towards this book by Petrov; it's not specific to the Krag, tho:

If you aren't familiar with Michael Petrov:

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