Concentricity/perpendicularity is imperative

by John K., Thursday, June 20, 2013, 12:55 (4118 days ago) @ mcassill

Tolerance stackups from four threads - barrel, outside threads; adapter, inside threads; adapter, outside threads; and silencer, inside threads - can lead to a baffle strike. Shoulder seat perpendicularity (or whatever seating arrangement the can uses) is vital. The errors add up. The longer the can the higher the chances for a very bad day. :-( Also depends on how much leeway is built into the can via baffle clearance. I've seen 22lr baffle strikes and the only hint something was wrong was the point of impact changed three feet when the can was installed - I don't want to see a 308W baffle strike...

Just for cipherin', here's a list of specs put out by AAC for barrel threading - and note this is just for one male/female set of threads.

I'm sure Doug knows to check this before shooting, but had to mention the possible ramifications.

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