Thank you, all, for your kind words

by brionic @, Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 14:06 (4119 days ago)

I don't have a lot to say right now, but here are a few things:

Your thoughts, prayers, and compassion speak for themselves. I honestly have been stunned by the outpouring of support since last March, in a good but overpowering way. Strength, courage, blessings, and wishes have all been gratefully accepted. The gear and gifts you sent to Dashiell have been appreciated and loved. Some of it has already been put to good use, some is yet to follow. More on that later.

I couldn't be any prouder or more humbled by the deeds and behavior of my other two boys, who, despite being distraught and grief stricken, put aside their fear and sadness in Dashiell's final days and attended to him, passing their final (?) messages to him. They have been wise, sensitive, strong, and unafraid to show their love and emotions, without being deterred from their responsibilities to Dashiell, one another, and the family in general. Their contributions over the past couple of days has been nothing short of staggering.

Dashiell was an amazing, one-of-a-kind child. His wish to remain a little boy came true, as did, hopefully, his wish that his heart would turn into a doggie. I miss him deeply, and always will, in an immediate but also profound sense. My connection to him was much deeper than I have let on. I have, I think, come up with a few ways of remaining connected to him. If it works, I'll let you know ;)

My wife and I are forever grateful for the supportive and uplifting spirit of kindness that you all have shared with us during this ordeal. We shared a final campfire, together as a family, just a few hours before he died. I believe that as we basked in the warmth and the smoke lifted up to the heavens, we were not alone, and that Dashiell recognized it was OK for him to go, surrounded by the love and strength of his family.

I will have more to share at another time. Thank you, again, for your kindness.

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