Are we "Sixgunners" or "Sixshooters"?

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, June 18, 2013, 13:43 (4120 days ago) @ Hoot

If you take a look at you'll find that it was registered before WAAAY back when the original sixgunner site changed hands the former owner advised me it would be better to not make waves or seem to be trying to compete. The idea was to have a "gateway" site for the old "Gord Board". Gord's original name for the board he set up was the Frontier Sixshooter or Frontier Sixshooter Community or something like that. I put up the original gateway and used the current designation. But over the years we've always referred to ourselves as "sixgunners", as in Confederate Sixgunners, North Wet Sixgunners, etc. As noted above, sixgunners are people, sixshooters are tools. The Frontier Sixshooter monicker is from the old Peacemakers that were so marked.

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