0000 - Maybe; Simichrome - *NO*

by FOG, Monday, June 17, 2013, 12:17 (4122 days ago) @ JLF

Wet or dry, I have never applied any grade of steel wool to a blued surface and therefore have no opinion about what it does to its appearance. I can only guess. (LOL)

Regarding Simichrome, I *do* have an opinion: It has changed and is now more abrasive.

Once upon a time, I had an old tube of Simichrome, plus another of its competitor, Flitz. I got the Simichrome with some old bike parts in about 1985; I bought the Flitz in the early 1990s.

Fast-forward to 'present': Both tubes finally ran out, so I 'recently' got new ones.

NEITHER product is 'safe' for bluing. Maybe in past, but not anymore.

Don't ask me how I know. ;-)


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