Omaha just elected a new mayor....

by Harry O-1, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 16:27 (4122 days ago)

The previous one was a member of the "Mayors against guns" group created by Bloomberg. During the campaign, he came out for local gun control ordinances since Congress refused to pass what he wanted. It was the usual collection of Demoncratic gun, magazine, and ammunition restrictions or outright bans. He had a partially armored car (leased by the City at a very high price) with an policeman-chauffer to protect him.

He lost by a landslide. The new mayor is using her own car and will drive herself. It looks like she will be providing her own security, too.

I went to the indoor range this morning. The sign in sheet had her name and her husbands name at the top of the list. I had not seen them out front. Evidently, the range owners let them in the back door before the range regularly opened. I saw them as they came out. Both had plastic Ruger gun boxes in their hands. I have no idea if she was just starting or if this was practice or even if it was an upgrade. I guess the only thing I can fault them for is not waiting in line like the rest of us. However, I can overlook that considering who she replaced. I had no idea about this during the election.

Interestingly, one of the mayoral candidates that got weeded out during the primary is in the CAS group I am in. He shoots faster and better than me. He would have been a good one, too, but finished close to last in the primary.

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