Two separate and vastly different 1911 questions

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 14:24 (4122 days ago)

So I have apparently ended up with two 1911s in a trade/buy deal.

First is a Colt Government slide and I have troubles with that little bitty front site.
This thing feeds 200 grain SWCs like butter no matter what the power level.
The questions:
Get a new slide with better sights?
Find someone to put better sights on this slide?

Second 1911 Questions

It is unfired Fed Ord manufacture in the box.
Note on the box to the previous owner says the trigger pull has been reduced from 8 pounds to 4.

The question(s)

Find someone that has to have such manufacturers unfired gun and sell it?

Take it out, hope it feeds and get it out of the unfired mode?

Guns at my house don't stay unless they get fired.

They both look pretty danged silly without a cylinder to put the ammo in!

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