GP100 problem

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Thursday, June 13, 2013, 22:01 (4125 days ago)

My new (200 rounds) Ruger GP100 has a problem: Seems that sometimes the cylinder will bind up upon closing the cylinder into the frame, with our without ammo, and will not completely close. If I force it (thumb pressure, not a hammer), it will close but will not rotate. If I clean the area behind the star, it will work for about 10-15 rounds and then start binding again. The gun was very tight from the box and I thought it would loosen up, but rather, this problem appeared. My Range Master and I agree it appears the recoil shield area against which the star rests appears proud of the surrounding metal, which might be the problem. The Range Master suggested I send it back to Ruger but I hate to do that. Andy Horvath is just up the road and I'm tempted to have him fix it. Comments/suggestions ?

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