The Latch Safety

by AaronB, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 05:55 (4128 days ago) @ Sarge
edited by AaronB, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 07:12

I'm divided over the latch safety. Yes, it craps up an otherwise clean design, and I don't like a plastic piece on an otherwise steel-and-wood gun. On the other hand, absent that safety one would be obligated to keep an empty chamber under the hammer, as the gun would run just like an old-school SAA.

If it were totally for me I would prefer it to not have the safety. Considering my son will be handling and shooting it a fair amount, however, I think I prefer having it. Of course the safety is no substitute for responsible gun handling, but I don't object to a belt-and-suspenders approach where safety is concerned.


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