The "Land of Enchantment"...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 07:07 (4132 days ago)

Well, I met the daughter for dinner last evening; she said she had something she wanted to talk over with me. Turns out, she got her a place in Albuquerque and wants me to help her move her stuff. So.. . I guess come next Monday the 17th I’m headed to New Mexico. This will be my first trip west of the Mississippi in many years, almost since my “walk-about” days. Heck, this will be my first trip out of the county in quite some time. I haven’t been back to the southwest since about 1975 or so, I’m interested in seeing what’s changed.

The details are still a little sketchy, but apparently I’m to drive out with her, she’ll be towing a small trailer, and she got me an airplane ticket to fly home the following Sunday. I figure if everything goes well (that’s a big IF; she’s got an old car) I’ll have a couple of days to have a look around.

Here’s my question: What are the must see places around town? Museums, historical attractions, saloons? I’m not a big fan of driving, I’d prefer if they had buses, or walking. Also, since my prostate now resembles an acorn that’s been burnt to a cinder, bathroom facilities are critical. I don’t like wearing Depends when it’s hot out. She says her place is on the eastern edge of the city, north of interstate 40 about a mile, and backs up to some mountain range, whose name I know not. If that helps.

The "Land of Enchantment"...

by Charles, Friday, June 07, 2013, 10:56 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

There are two ranges of mountain in and around ABQ, the Manzanas (Apples) and Sandia (Watermelon). There is a section of ABQ called Old Town that has some interesting shops and history. Other than that, ACQ is just another big town.

However as long as you are that close, buzz over to Santa Fe as that is where it is at. They have a fast rail line between ABQ and Santa Fe call "The Roadrunner" that will make short work of the trip if you don't want to drive. Once in Santa Fe, most of the cool stuff is within a block or two of the Plaza downtown. I believe there are buses from (and back) the rail station to the Plaza, but check to make certain. Downtown Santa Fe is not very car friendly, so lots of public transportation and such, even some bicycle rickshaws.

Thanks Charles...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 11:20 (4132 days ago) @ Charles

I was wanting to go to Santa Fe, but I wasn't aware of the public transportation. Not so much for the tourists stuff( Between Cherokee and Gatlinburg I get enough of that here)but because I figured being the Capital of New Mexico, the state archive would be housed somewhere there. Family scuttlebut has it that after the War of Northen Agression, a long lost relative went out there to the "Territory" an opened up a hotel. Thought it might be kind of fun to dig around in the archive and see if I could find anything. Nice to know they have public transportation, sounds like a good way to get out of my daughter's hair for a day while she works.


The "Land of Enchantment"...

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, June 07, 2013, 11:08 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

East side is the Sandia Mountains, there is a tram that goes to the top of Sandia Crest with spectacular views over the city. Old Town is really the only thing of note I can think of in Abq, the only place I visit without fail is the Sportsman's Warehouse, I don't make the 4 hour drive all that often. Santa Fe is beautiful, shame it is chock full of so many liberals.

Thanks Dave...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 11:26 (4132 days ago) @ Dave B

Sounds like something I would enjoy, if I can figure a way to get there. My problem is my daughter needs the car to work while I'm there, so I'm really hoping they have some public transportation out near where she lives. I don't mind walking at all, as long as it's not in the next county. I've been known to walk a pretty far piece.


by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Friday, June 07, 2013, 12:04 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

Does have public transportation in the form of public buses, and as Charles mentioned, there is a light rail that currently runs from Belen to Santa Fe.

Nice thing about Santa Fe is..

by Charles, Friday, June 07, 2013, 13:36 (4132 days ago) @ Dave B

there is every kind and variety of politics and people there. They have their fair share of liberals, left over hippies and wierdos as well as other types as well. What makes that nice is that everybody has a place there because such diversity. Everybody is weird and my brand of weirdness is a good as any other.

I like the place because of the diversity. I can do my thing there whatever that may be as long as I don't violate the law, I am as normal as anybody else.

The "Land of Enchantment"...

by Jeremy, Friday, June 07, 2013, 11:26 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

That edge of town along the mountains is generally considered the best part of town to live. I can't think of the name of the shop, but hopefully someone can chime in. Travis Boggus used to manage a gunshop in Albuquerque that had some absolutely fantastic stuff. I met him there one day and got a behind the scenes tour. If anyone can recall the name it would probably be worth a visit.

Thanks Jeremy, that's a relief...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 11:39 (4132 days ago) @ Jeremy

My daughter lived in Chicago and New York, and always seemed to pick some pretty "shaky" places to live, maybe this time she picked some place nice. Gunshop eh? Gotta tell ya though, I don't have the coin to rent a car, won't be buying anything, be nice if they let ya look around though.


Food & Guns in the "Land of Enchantment"...

by FOG, Friday, June 07, 2013, 13:22 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe


First of all, they have New Mexican Food − *NOT* Mexican Food − in New Mexico.

Second, it is fantastic.

I recommend these places:

Los Cuates ('The Twins', as in children)


There are many others, of course.


In the old days, it was Ron Peterson's on Central Ave (aka, Route 66).

HTH :-)


Thanks FOG, but I'll have to tell you...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 13:59 (4132 days ago) @ FOG

Recommendations for places to eat, and/or food, are wasted on someone like me, and I never usually ask for them. I only eat in restaurants when its the only option, and it rarely is. Even at that, I'll usually only order coffee, or maybe some eggs. There's several reasons for this, which I won't go into here. I know most on here enjoy a variety of foodstuffs. I am not one of those people. Eating for me, is a distraction, a necessary encumberance. Most would consider my daily diet pretty provincial. I don't expect to find my usual fare out there, so I'll probably end up eating out of cans. I'm fine with that, I don't eat much anyway. A can of greens, a can of beans, some kippered snacks and a banana or two is all I'll need. This has perplexed my wife of 33 years to no end, but she has come to accept it. I'm not a picky eater, I just don't care. The simplist and most convenient way to satisfy my daily caloric intake is all I'm interested in when it comes to food. Eating in restaurants is pricey, and I'll barely have enough to make it out there and back as it is.

Aside from all that, I'm a firm believer in the germ theory of disease.

I'll tell my daughter though, about your recommendations, she didin't take after me, so I'm sure she'll enjoy the local fare, thanks!


Food & Guns in the "Land of Enchantment"...

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Friday, June 07, 2013, 14:00 (4132 days ago) @ FOG

Yes they have Mexican food you just have to know where to find it. Sorry Joe the last time I was in Albuquerque was 1977, went there to pick up a Bridgeport Mill, a week later to pick up a Surface grinder. Haven't been back, but Old town would be worth a visit, like all of NM too many CA liberals. Its a 225 mi. trip one way for me, too many other attractions for me to see.FWIW:-|

Ron Peterson's

by Jeremy, Friday, June 07, 2013, 15:45 (4131 days ago) @ FOG

Ron Peterson's, that was the place I was trying to think of.

I've heard about Ron's for a long time

by bj2, Friday, June 07, 2013, 21:03 (4131 days ago) @ Jeremy

Supposed to have a good inventory of older stuff. I have never managed to go to the store while driving through Alb.

To me the best thing about Alb. is that it is 4 hour drive from great places in Colorado.

~25 years ago, their typical inventory was ~3000 guns

by FOG, Saturday, June 08, 2013, 07:21 (4131 days ago) @ Jeremy

Not sure if that number included the stuff 'in the back', though... ;-)


Thank you everyone...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 14:10 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

My wife's been up in the mountains camping all week looking at the fireflies. I'm leaving to join her for a few days to get a good dose of "green and wet", before my journey out west.

Oh, and if you see an old guy walking around out there in dungarees, sneakers, a t-shirt and old ball cap, carrying a plastic grocery sack, well... that'd be me. Wait, that's most of the third world, never mind.


The "Land of Enchantment"...

by Brian A, Saturday, June 08, 2013, 08:01 (4131 days ago) @ pokynojoe

I have an old neighbor who lives in Alb, I believe in the same area your daughter is moving to. It is supposed to be very nice, my folks have spent some time there visiting, but I have only driven through. If I ever get out to that part of the world again would not mind checking out SASS' Founder's Ranch about 20 miles east of Alb. Last time I did enjoy visiting the NRA's Whittington Center in Raton, but that might be a bit too far to go without renting a car. The Philmont, Boy Scout ranch is also up in that area and would be an interesting place to visit.

The "Land of Enchantment"...

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Sunday, June 09, 2013, 09:12 (4130 days ago) @ pokynojoe

Ron Petersons is the place to see guns I guess. Hard to believe it is still there.

Some touristy stuff around Old Town and find a way to get the train to Santa Fe.

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