Is it Windex w vinegar or ammonia for black powder clean up?

by Jhenry, Saturday, January 14, 2012, 09:23 (4645 days ago) @ E.Sisk

I have used them all. Just about anything with a water base will clean the stuff. Over the years, to include quite a few years competing every weekend, I came to the conclusion that those old match shooters may know a thing or two. What works better than anything I have ever used, and I mean hands down better, is a combination of 1/3 Murphy's Oil Soap, 1/3 Rubbing Alcohol, and 1/3 Hydrogen Peroxide from the drug store. The common type off the shelf. Stir together and keep it in a light proof container because the hydrogen peroxide component will weaken with exposure to light. I keep it in a throat spray bottle, such as a Chloraseptic bottle, spray painted black. I have used the same bottle for 15 years plus at this point. They last very well. This stuff will dissolve and carry away black powder residue like nothing I have ever seen. No damage to metal or wood either. Cheap and easy to make. I spray it on the patches. When shooting matches I used to lay out patches, give them a light spray and kept them in a ziplock. Between each shot I would run one down the bore, flip it over, run it again, and then run a dry patch the same way. Golden. My Green Mountain .40 barrel is as good now as it was new.

PS. I have no idea on earth how well this stuff works on artificial black powder. That stuff was placed here on earth by satan to tempt us from the true path. When encountering artificial black powder, throw garlic at it, avert your eyes, pray and hug your Goex tightly. All will be well.

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