Decided to rebarrel the Remington 722......

by Otony, Saturday, June 01, 2013, 22:33 (4137 days ago)

.....which a few of you may recall was a factory .300 Savage carbine. It has a much modified stock (nicely done) and enough finish wear that it cannot be considered "collectible". As it sits it is a very useful rifle, but I think the kids will have better use from it if it were rebarreled to .257 Roberts or .243 Winchester.

Since we have both a left-hand AND a right-handed .243 here, I'm leaning strongly towards making it a Bob. And before you remind me how useful it is as a .300 Savage, please know that A. You are right. And B. we have four thutty-thuttys hereabouts. While I regard the .300 as a Super .30-30 And Then Some, a .257 would blow my cassock up.

Looking to order a Douglas Mountain Rifle barrel as soon as some funds are freed up.....anyone want an excellent bore but finish worn .300 barrel? Can be had for the price of shipping.


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