One year ago today..

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Friday, January 13, 2012, 16:26 (4646 days ago)
edited by Hoot, Friday, January 13, 2012, 17:07

I was looking through some files for something completely unrelated and ran into a post I made on 13JAN11...

The redhead is gonna make it

We went in for Beth's last scheduled chemo today and, after the exam by her oncologist, we were told that "There's no sense beating a dead horse." and that she would not have to suffer through another treatment as he could find no trace of her cancer. We are now on a 'maintenance plan' wherein she will have to go in every 3 months for an exam and a CT scan every so often to see if there is a recurrence of the cancer.

Her doctor has decided her middle name is 'Remarkable'.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They have made the difference.

With kind regards,
Mike and Beth

So much has changed in this past year it makes me shake my head.

Like Byron said a few days back, never pass up the chance to tell someone you love goes by all too quickly.


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