The Ohio police have a terrible reputation for ...........

by Byron, Thursday, January 12, 2012, 16:31 (4647 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Corrupt and self serving behavior. The State Police are generally perceived as jack booted thugs.

A classmate of mine lives in Cleveland and has a CCW permit. He was involved in a traffic accident that required a short trip to the ER and he left his pistol in his locked car. His wife showed up to retrieve the pistol and take it home. She was stopped at the scene by the local law and asked for her "permit".
She explained the situation and was told that she would have to turn it over to them. Against protest she did and was then told "you might as well turn in your medical licence" for the crime of illegally possession a firearm not registered to her.....

After a call from their family attorney, they were told that things would go more smoothly if they would just forgot about the gun instead of going to court to get her licence reenstated.

One of the cops saw an opportunity and got a nice pistol.


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