The Ruger LCR is probably a good choice

by FOG, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 20:46 (4146 days ago) @ ~JM~

And I would agree that .38 Special ammunition is easier to handle than .22 rimfire. In the low-recoil department, there's still the old standby: .38 wadcutters (factory/match), so that base remains well covered.

Others mention the tip-up .380s, but I happen to have limited hand strength myself, and I would rather be consigned to practicing DA-Dryfire-In-Hades than have to load most .380 magazines even once. FWIW, I think people *read* a lot of magazines, but to their good fortune, they never actually experience these things.

I also think everything else (gun included, for that matter) would probably have to be tried by the individual in order to determine whether it would work for him. For example, I have fairly large hands, so the smaller CT Laser Grips for S&W J-frames don't fit me at all because there is nowhere near enough room behind the trigger guard. Sights are similarly 'personal' in terms of choice: I happen to like the XS Big Dot, but many do not.

Long story short: Take the man to the gun shop (and, if possible, the range), and go from there.

HTH :-)


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