Get your shingles vaccination

by Scribe, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 08:28 (4147 days ago)


Consider this a PSA: Get your shingles vaccination. After seeing what I have been going through for the past month, my wife has set up an appointment with our family doctor to get one.

I have it in the left ear, although this rash can hit you anywhere. And the pain level is Percoset-high, believe me. Ton of fatigue came with it as well.

Mine developed right after a recent lung biopsy (NO CANCER!) and took a while to properly diagnose. Was finally put on Valtrex and pain killers. At one point, I got a shot of dilaudin at the local ER because nothing else was working to lessen the pain. Getting better; down to one Percoset a day.

These shots are available at Walgreens at half the physician's price f you are not covered by your regular insurance. Get one and you'll never fear facing shingles.


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