Win 52 target rifle for sale locally.

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 09:04 (4148 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Given the additional equipment, that's a pretty good price. The case would cost a bunch to duplicate, all by itself. Some discount for the replacement stock, but if you are buying it as a shooter, it's likely an improvement over the factory stock.

The rap on these is that they aren't quite as accurate as the current generation of super-target .22s, mostly by Anschutz and Remington40x fans (and BSA Martini International fans in the single shot world). That being said, I doubt that one in 100 competitive target shooters can hold well enough in position shooting to realize the difference.

Wish I had the toy funds to invest, but that isn't happening. Plus, I find that I don't have the stamina anymore to hold a rifle that heavy for the length of a match. Bet it would be a pretty fair competitor in rimfire benchrest competition, though....

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