Thanks Fivegunner, we need all the prayers we can get.

by Murphy @, Monday, May 20, 2013, 18:19 (4149 days ago) @ Fivegunner

My sister, mother & sister in law live in Oklahoma City. The brunt of todays tornado hit Moore, Oklahoma which is a suburb of OKC. Moore was devistated 14 years ago on May the 3rd and 36 people lost their lives.

Fortunately, my family has came through okay with no damage. Hopefully the storms/tornado's have moved on out of the area. My mother also resides in OKC in a nursing facilty.

My area is thus far untouched. I'm unaware of any threats at this time, or for later tonight. Of course that could change at any given minute.

Thanks for any prayer's guys, we'd sure appreciate them.


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