Oh I understand why.

by Drago, Friday, May 17, 2013, 14:59 (4153 days ago) @ Paul

In 2001, I was flying from Ontario, Calif. to Bangor, Maine. The very young lady ticket agent asked me for my passport. When I asked her why I needed a passport to go to Maine. She said because her computer said it was an international flight, followed by "Where is Maine?" I told her Maine was the last U.S. state before Canada, in the northeast corner of the U.S. Blank look. "Do you know where Massachusetts is?" I asked. Blank look. About this time, she called over an older ticket agent, explained that I didn't have a passport, and that it was an international flight. The older agent looked at the computer screen, and informed the younger one, "That's the name of the airport, Bangor International." I still wonder if she ever learned where Maine is located.
That younger agent probably works for USPS these days.

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