I agree it can be very difficult

by FOG, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 17:12 (4158 days ago) @ Jared

Gun shops are not generally noted for having the most friendly people working the counters, and some really take the cake (like your example of the guy who said his customers were too stupid to reload).

I think we've probably all run into those types before.

I also have to admit that the vast majority of my gun purchases since about 2000 were only transfers as far as the LGS was concerned. However, those were all 'collector' guns; none were new-production or currently available; the few new firearms I purchased during that period were all acquired at small shops.

I've also purchased ammo in box stores, if only because the LGS dropped the ball and forgot to order any. Sometimes, the bare shelves would persist for weeks, and one can only take so much.

Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother trying, but I still do. I suppose it's little more than nostalgia anymore. Nothing is like it used be, and that includes the LGS.


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