Thank you one and all for the prayer cover....

by Amerileiro, SW MO, Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 17:07 (4649 days ago) @ Amerileiro

Thank you all for the prayers. It has been a challenge the last three months, but one prayer was answered immediately. My family and I had been praying for a job where I didn't have to travel and be away from the family for weeks at a time. As soon as I became unemployed the travel for work ceased!

I feel that both the first interview and the testing of my skills today went well. We are leaving it in God's hands now. And I'm having a good time chopping firewood. I seem to have enough firewood now to last until 2014! Unless i get a woodburning stove for the basement. Then it will only last until 2013. :-D

Again, thanks for the prayer cover.

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