I think the Ruger will stick around

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Friday, May 10, 2013, 17:37 (4160 days ago) @ Dave B

There is not a cartridge brought out designed to replace another, there are room for as many as will sell. I too prefer the 308 to the 06 for general all around use. Probably one of the best is the old 260 AAR, as the name implies All around rifle, tho its a fine cartridge to my knowledge has never replaced any, just adds to it. How else could we repeat adding to our WANTS, not NEEDS Ballistically the Ruger is a good cartridge, no question, everbody needs an upgrade one time or another. If you want a Ruger fine, no argument from me, but don't say it will replace the 375 H&H, only in your wants and or needs. ATB, the Curmudgeon :-)

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