999 pictures

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 10:43 (4161 days ago)

It has some holster wear and a couple freckles missing but is tight and in time. I will put some colibre's through this in a bit. [image][image]

I found a SR45 yesterday as well. it's a big sacrifice searching out these guns for holster making, sometimes, I don't know how I make it through the day...:-D

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Lookin' good!

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 10:56 (4161 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Is it marked "999"? It looks to me more like the older Sportsman due to the one-piece grip. They started in 1940 with an 'A' prefix on the serial number. If it's just numerical, it predates 1940...

Either way, it's a nice one.

Just Sportsman.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 11:51 (4161 days ago) @ Hoot


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Hang on to that one.....

by Bud, Friday, May 10, 2013, 08:23 (4160 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

damned hard to find out where we live.

999 pictures

by Jared, Friday, May 10, 2013, 11:13 (4160 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Looks great. Never had a H&R. I have a couple of Double Nines that were my grandpas and dads.

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