You live and you learn (and learn and learn), or...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 06:50 (4163 days ago)

"How To Burn Up Scoopshovelfuls Of Powder Uselessly"

Went out last night to ensure my .358 STA was sighted and ready to slay pigs this weekend. I specifically wanted to compare two different loads so I had only 9 of each---3, 3-shot groups. Should be great plenty, right?

First 3 shots were not on the paper at 50 yards (indoor range--unfortunately, all I got). "Huh...", says I. Pull it back to 25 yards and find out I am 6" low and 3" left. Adjust back to center at 25 with the next two shots and it's back out to 50. Three shots later and I have two touching and a third 'high and outside'. Figuring that I might have pulled one, I am now oficially out of the one load.

Switching to the heavier load, another 3-shot group gives the same performance; two touching and a third considerably outside. At this point, I am disappointed as all three shots 'felt' right. Being stubborn, I racked up another 3 shots and these three were all widely separated. At this point, I am thoroughly frustrated and I put the rifle down for a while.

It finally occurs to me to check the tightness of my scope mounts only to find that the windage screws on the rear mount are loosey-goosey. "Sigh...." I did fire the final three shots "sighting it in" with the final round being where I want it but I have no real confidence. I can load more but do not know if I will have adequate time to get back to the range.

I hate re-re-relearning old lessons....

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