Pigs and buffalo......

by Byron, Sunday, May 05, 2013, 07:43 (4165 days ago)

Rolled in from the Wilderness Hunting Lodge in Tennessee at 0100 last night after a 12 hour drive. Smooth sailing until we hit Nashville and got into stop and go, bumper to bumper traffic for an hour or more due to construction.

FYI the Wilderness Hunting Lodge is a good operation and gets my thumbs up. The place is well run, staff is very helpful and the game high quality and plentiful.

While it is a fenced reserve, it is so big (15000 acres) that one never feels crowded by others. We went out Thursday night and drove back yesterday, there were only 6 other hunters so if felt like we had the place to ourselves.

I shot this hog with my 12 bore express rifle at about 50 yards. It HILLY there (not Kansas, Toto) and shooting steeply downhill hit higher that I planned but the .715 ball still did the predictable thing and the pig did not take a step after being hit. Weighed in about 250 lbs and will be good eating.


Another guy shot this 1600 Lb Water Buffalo with a Ruger #1 .416 from about 30 yards out. I did not see the shoot but was told that it did not react to the first 2 shots AT ALL! Perfect shots just behind the front leg within about 2" apart. After the 3rd shot is got weak in the knees and dropped dead at the 4th. All bullets were found under the hide on the off side perfectly mushroomed to about .5".

It was a big ol' critter and processed out to around 600 lbs of beautiful meat.

It was a good time, highly recommended.


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