Scored another deal (?) today at the pawn shop....

by Otony, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 21:32 (4166 days ago) some here know, I am now working at a pawn shop here in town. With no gun shops in Walla Walla save for Big5, we are pretty much it insofar as firearms go.

The boss carries a pretty good assortment of new guns, we have a case of assorted 1911s for example, but obviously used guns from trades or lost pawns make up a portion of our offerings.

Today I was in the vault checking pawn tickets and found a cool old rifle. Remington 722 with a factory carbine barrel chambered in .300 Savage. Someone checkered the stock, and did a fairly good job of it. They also made a nice grip cap out of blonde horn (sheep?). It has a severely collapsed recoil pad which will need replaced, and has pretty obviously never seen a scope. The rear sight "bulge" is missing the sight, and whatever peep sight was sitting on it is long gone as well (the stock was relieved for the peep slide Watson).

The bore is good and the little thing handles slicker than snot. Boss told me he was going to sell it for 229, but it was mine for 150 if I wanted it.

I owe my soul to the company store........


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