New shooter today... Dr. Byron; check it out!!

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 20:52 (4166 days ago)

Planned on hitting the range for a quick session this morning. When he heard that, Lucas, my five year old, asked if he could come along. He's shot some colibri shells out of his chipmunk in the back yard but never a full powered round of .22.

I figured we'd give his 'big boy rifle' a try so I loaded up some light .38 special loads for his 1894 Marlin.

He had a great time and after a few .22's he wanted to try the Marlin. he needed some help holding it steady but he did a great job!!

Here he is pointing out his first shot, center mass!


And at the end of the day


We shot at some 45% scale IPSC steel plates and he hit them the majority of the time from 25 yards. I put a reciever sight on it last night and I think it helped out some.

Byron, I wanted you to know your old carbine went to a loving home. I also wanted to let you know you don't have the market completely cornered on cute redhead kids!!! I'm looking forward to the day when Lucas' younger brother can come out with us, also with his 1894 Marlin, the Cowboy, that came from you!

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