Seems every day I find something I still have but don't need

by FOG, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 19:31 (4166 days ago) @ rob

I think hoarding must be a very strong instinct in many of us.

I keep thinking I'm 'done' then turn and find yet another widget I haven't even looked at in years much less put to any good use.

On top of that, I still find myself acquiring *more* widgets all the time... :eyepopping:

I'm just glad that once I fully realize I'm not 'connected' to something, I have no trouble getting rid of it, then I never miss it once it's gone.

Then, if I hold my tongue just right, I 'realize' that it is impossible to connect with things in the first place.

Once in a while, I get ahead of this three-steps-forward, two-steps-back mindgame and can nip it in the bud, but I have to admit it's a continuing struggle.

It's also a heck of a lot of fun. :-D


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