Supersonic Observation

by FOG, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 00:37 (4166 days ago) @ JD

I don't mean to be argumentative, and 'normal' .22 LR at subsonic velocities was always what I wanted in terms of a suppressor anyway, but supersonic applications apparently do have one 'special effect'.

Targets fired at supposedly cannot hear where the shot came from (which if true I would still think has certain 'limitations').

I learned this a few years ago when I fired a suppressed AR; its owner, a Class 3 manufacturer, made this assertion when I asked about its utility.

No one shot at anyone else that day, so I'm not sure, but the carbine was certainly the quietest I ever heard or fired. The owner also pointed out this means 'operators' can go without (significant) hearing protection.

In other words, it's a 'tactical' thing, which of course means it's better. (LOL)

It also reminds of another thing, perhaps more practical than tactical: I guess it can be done, but I wouldn't shoot .22 rimfire ammunition through a .223/5.56 suppressor. As long as one didn't, I don't think the 'bigger' can would ever need disassembly for cleaning.

I would just stick with a rimfire-specific suppressor. My 'specs' might take me into .22 WMR territory, but that's a mix I wouldn't mind a bit.

HTH :-)


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