About 8:30 tonight a guy and two younger girls...

by rob @, Thursday, May 02, 2013, 21:09 (4168 days ago)

Banged on my door. My wife goes to bed about 7:00 so I was a bit perturbed. I can hear them talking loudly on the porch making me more perturbed! I grab my .45 and tucked it behind my hip, cracked the door and told them to shut the heck up before they wake my wife and asked them what they want. He said they are from xyz (couldn't understand what he said) and said he needs to see my current and last months electric bill to look for billing discrepancies or some such. I told him he did NOT need to see my bill to which he replied yes he does and it doesn't matter who I get my electricity from because it all comes from Encore and they do the billing for all of it. To which, I replied "You don't need to see anything and if Encore has business with me they know how to contact me". To which he replied something like "All right, it's cool, chill out dude!" While they moved on. I responded by calling the local fuzz which got me a visit with an officer who was gonna try to find them. I hope they did.

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