My current project as well...

by rob @, Thursday, May 02, 2013, 08:13 (4168 days ago) @ Dave B
edited by rob, Thursday, May 02, 2013, 15:51

I've been wanting a good cast 45 ACP bullet for a long time. I ordered 500 230 TC from Penn Bullets and finally bought the 230 or 225 (?) Lee TC with the regular lube groove. I've had the TL version but wasn't real happy with it fired in my former Blackhawk. Now I'm working on a load for my Sig. I've been using 8.1 HS6 with the 230 FMJ ball loads and its a nice mild load, but I have to seat those 230 TC bullets to 2.2" to get them to chamber and that turns the heat up on that load quite a bit...still safe but I want a milder load. The problem I'm having is the first few chamber and feed great but after the first magazine or so they they don't want to fully chamber and I have to help the slide along a bit. I need to figure out what's going on there.

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