Getting too old to be shooting.....

by Norm, Sunday, April 28, 2013, 20:26 (4172 days ago)

..... 6 rounds of 50 BMG in as many minutes. But I did hit the steel 2 times at 1600 yds - not too bad for first time shooting that gun, if I do say so myself. Made the 338 Lapua seem tame, and the 300 Whisper (200 gr @ 1050 fps) with Thunderbeast was just plain fun. Obligatory The Kimber lightweight Carry Pro with new Wilson Combat fl rod and flat wire spring was downright tame (230 gr ball).

The new XDs was flawless except for my screw up - a 40 S&W round found its way into the magazine - it fired and the case stuck in the chamber so the next round in the magazine jammed up the works. A great day, nonetheless.


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