It was, he and my mother had been rear-ended at a light.

by John K., Sunday, April 28, 2013, 14:33 (4172 days ago) @ Cannon

He was beat up pretty bad and in his late 70s at the time. They were trying to x-ray him for a broken hip when I arrived at the ER and there, plain as day on the x-ray, was his 38 S&W Mod 49 in his right front pocket. Nurse said "OMG, he has a gun!" (Don't think she was from around here). I said, "I'll take care of it"; walked over to my stepfather, retrieved it and put it in my pocket. Nurse said "Now you have a gun!!"

I said "No, now I have TWO." :-D

REALLY wish I had asked for that x-ray and kept it for show-and-tell...

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