Problem diagnosed and maybe solved?

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, April 25, 2013, 17:20 (4175 days ago) @ Hoot

I was pretty sure it wasn't an ammo issue as, cocking the hammer partially back, allowed the cylinder to turn freely. So, I grabbed a handy leather thong and blocked the firing pin, letting the main spring hold it in place and popped off the side cover. I was able to see that (here we go exposing our ignorance on proper part names again) the hammer block(?) was down preventing the hammer from being drawn back and also keeping the latch from opening. Slid that out of the way and was able to open the cylinder and unload. MAJOR sigh of relief.

One thing habit in choosing the correct bit for any screw is to take the bit in my fingers and try it for fit before mounting it to the handle. Doing so, revealed the side plate screws were less than finger tight. "Hmmm....", sez I.

The hammer block connects through, as Charles notes, "a complex linkage" to a pin on the right side of the trigger. The linkage itself it thin...perhaps .010" or so thick. A bit of juggling got the linkage reconnected to the pin and all seems well.

My theory is the side plate was loose enough to allow the pin to 'jump ship' vis a vis the linkage. Reassembled and everything works like it did. Time will tell if it was a case of loose screws or wear over the past 98 years. At least I have a bit of an understanding what goes on inside this one.

Thanks to all for the advice!

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