English double help - Doublegunshop.com

by John Meeker, Wednesday, April 24, 2013, 10:52 (4176 days ago) @ Jhenry

Has been around for quite a while. Competent people will give you avice about your friend's quest. It's a real wealth, but there will be a variety of 'personalities'. Steer around the assorted potshots of interpersonal acrimony that popup, and do some 'advice mining' from the assorted discussion history. Also, the prospective owner needs to consider WHAT he will use the gun for. It's weight, stocking, chambers, proofing, chokes, are all dependent [more of less] on that issue. Many older guns are 2 1/2" chambered. And there is great deal of difference between a MAX pheasant load in wide-open Nebraska and woodcock in a Michigan thicket.

I second Jaqua's, down by Finlay Ohio. They also have a web site. As well, some search engine work will give numerous seller sites in the US and England: to get an idea of prices.

Please post the general locale of the fellow, and meaybe I can steer him to one the good guys from DGS, who could be of service to him.

I'll add that Cabela's Gunroom has lots of goods, and wide variety of 'pricing'. They aren't always that knowledgeable,either. So, they can be picked.

For one of the finer choices, a pre-WW2 Sauer is still a very good bargain, in lightly engraved, boxlock, double trigger, non-ejector SxS. The materials and interior finishing are every bit as good on their production guns, as just about any bespoke ever made, according to an old gunsmith friend of mine. Just remember: it's a subject that isn't 'off the rack' or one size fits all.

BTW, It's really hard to wrong with a 30-50 year old Browning/SKB DT gun -- mostly made by Mirouku in Japan. 1st quality in terms of material and mfg.

This subject really needs a book. ;~`) Sionce there some hundreds of old and new titles, be sure to ask WHAT book[s] would be suitable for your Friend. Get them on interlibrary loan of buy 'reader' of the 'Net. The thing to remember is" don't get froggy and impulsive. You see, that's exactly how most of the folks I know got started; by the time you get the first gun, and then second to remedy what the first didn't have, and then the third one to remedy what the second didn't have.... :~`)

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