Pretty proud of my wife...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, April 20, 2013, 03:52 (4180 days ago)

My wife, Jenny is a fairly liberal minded lady. She had no gun experience e before we got together and has little interest in them now, almost 12 years later. She does go shooting with me once or twice a year and enjoys it, but doesn't get excited like most of us on here. She has a S&W SD-9 that is kept locked up by her bedside, though.

Last night, while fixing supper, we were talking a out how Boston was basically shut down and the police told folk to stay at home and inside. I made the comment that it was partially due to the fact that Mass had tKen away almost any possibility of self defense. She told me that she had thought about it earlier and was happy to know if she were there or in a similar situation here, she could put on her holster and pistol and feel secure in the knowledge that she had the means to protect herself if needed!

It was a proud moment for this gun dude! I know she's smarter than Ian and realizes self preservation is very important, I just didn't think that she spent much time contemplating it.

Slow, but sure, when it comes to settin' examples ;~`)

by John Meeker, Saturday, April 20, 2013, 12:13 (4180 days ago) @ Slow Hand


My favorite uncles formerly clueless not quite anti gun wife

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, April 20, 2013, 13:19 (4180 days ago) @ Slow Hand

came to that same conclusion after 50 years of living in )Phoenix...abiout 2 months ago, she tells my uncle, "We need to keep a couple loaded guns in the house and I need to know how to use them."

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