The parts aren't that expensive; I'd get new ones

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 14:57 (4182 days ago) @ Hoot

Unless it's completely trashed, the gun is worth a lot more than the price of a new guide rod and a few recoil springs.

Recoil Springs

The 4-inch guns are fairly 'recoil-spring-sensitive', and they tend to wear the springs out pretty 'fast'.

Wolff used to have a 'story' on their website about this, but I couldn't find it.

I did find the springs, which I have used before in a Kimber, and which I would recommend to anyone shooting a 4-inch gun.

Recoil Spring Guides

It's now fashionable to rail against the full-length type, but I think that's a load of garbage. Whether it helps might be doubtful; whether it hurts should be obvious.

One thing's for sure: You don't want to put a GI plug in a 4-inch gun. It is too long, and it will definitely cause problems, possibly of the catastrophic variety.

A Commander plug might work in a 4-inch gun, but I wouldn't take a chance.

If I didn't know exactly what type of guide rod to get, I would contact Springfield and ask. They've only been selling the Champion line for 20 years or so, but they probably have some ideas about parts for it.

They might even have a toll-free number; I know they have a website.

Just don't be surprised if they tell you to get a FLGR. (Who knows? They might even say that is what the pistol is 'designed' for, and what they normally supply with it...)

HTH :-)


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