Somedays...ask myself......

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 09:07 (4183 days ago) @ Byron

"So, how's this 'saving the world' thing working for our country?"

It has appeared to me for some decades, that we ssem to be following the traditional arc of Empire. The present administration, along with the politicization and Left-polarization of the 'independent media, the Left-lean of mainstream churches, and the subversion/ literal demoralization of the Education Monolith all appear to me as A Pathology similar in trends to past 'Glorious Rulers.' The centuries will roll on. but history will write as it always has, that the succumbing dominant culture shot it's self in the foot, repeatedly, before the Barbarians E'er Stormed the Citadel.

Just my distaste for the present Media blood-wallow, I suppose, but the New Civil War is very definitely being waged in this country. The murderous skirmishes we have all seen on TV, in the flames. The war still goes on, and I fear that more of the same is laid down for future "enlightenment of the masses."

Nothing new here, but true to tell, if this nation went without TV for a year or so, I wouldn't much care.

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