If we don't get term limits...

by rob @, Monday, April 15, 2013, 19:34 (4185 days ago) @ altejaeger

and fast, we are screwed. They are only concerned about keeping their powerful positions and their prestigious titles these days. We've come a long long way from the government shall derive its powers by the consent of the governed. Now they tell us that after they pass a bill we can be privy to what's in it...of course they know what's best for us right;) I think we have gone too far to turn things around at the polls. The Republicans are playing defense thinking they have to be like democrats to win elections and the more like democrats they become, the more of their base they loose. They had more independents vote republican in the last presidential election than ever in history and they were slaughtered because the base stayed home. We are in deep trouble.

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