some misinformation there

by bj2, Monday, April 15, 2013, 00:05 (4186 days ago) @ Cherokee

We will have to see what the actual wording is but TV news has said that it would not prohibit sales between private individuals but would prohibit sales without background checks at gun shows. So how do you say it is illegal for 2 private individuals to do a deal at a certain location but it is legal at other locations? Make it illegal to do in a building with more than 2 people so that they have to go out in the parking lot?

It would be even harder to write the wording related to internet advertisements. If you buy a gun from a person on an internet sales site they have to ship it to your local FFL and you do the full background check. But if the seller happens to be in your geographic area and you can meet at his house, how is this different from any other private sale? If a gun is advertised on the internet does that taint it so it is forever illegal to sell it to your neighbor?

I wish they would focus on keeping crazy people from being able to harm people. Just a few days ago there was a crazy person at a college that stabbed a lot of people with a medical knife that he stole from one of the labs at the school. No gun legislation would have prevented that attack. For that matter nothing in the current legislation would have prevented what happened at the school in CT. So are the legislators wasting their time? Shouldn't the entire country be upset that the legislators are wasting their time?

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