I feel as lucky as AK RAY! The other day I was minding my

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 13:10 (4186 days ago)

own business; delivering holsters, chatting with some local customers, at Bucky O'Neill Guns.
I wasn't there to shop, at all. OK, I always look around for a sleeper deal...
Jim pulls a Commander length 1911 out from the counter, it has Hi Power cuts...two tone say Les Baer on the alloy frame says Colt Combat Commander on the stainless slide also has a "R" and a "M" nicely engraved on it...My initials happen to be "RML"... I know the engraver... This came from the estate of a local gunsmith... his personal carry gun...very nicely done...700 bucks out the door...best part was, I was delivery about that amount in gun leather!

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