Customs and Border Protection Agents Indicted

by Charles, Thursday, April 11, 2013, 08:31 (4189 days ago)

This mornings newspaper carried a length piece about the indictment of two Federal Agents. Seems that the head of the local CBP Inspectors office and some of his agents falsified document. These are the guys in charge of investigating corruption in CBP. There was to be an audit of his cases and in advance he phonyed up some investigations. It seems the FBI caught them. Feds investigating Feds, what a deal.

With all the pressure to step up border security, they have let the standards slip and have hired folks who are less than honest or competent. Hard to find the dishonest ones, if those charged with finding them, are dishonest themselves.

Everybody seems to be screaming "secure the border", well they are going to have to find somebody else to do it beside the Federal government. They can't secure themselves much less thousands of miles of border with Mexico.

I should not be so hard on the Feds as corruption and incompetence is rampant among local, state and federal law enforcement down here. It would be like the Keystone Cops if it were not so tragic.

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